Software Crafts Podcast is hosted by João Rosa (@joaorosa) and aims to have a relaxed conversation with a guest from the software industry.
We will discuss one heurisitc, and have a chat about her/his experiences with it. Hope that it can spark an interesting conversation.
The latest episodes. If you want to see the full list, click in "Episodes" in the menu.
Discussing the heuristic for "Do NOT rewrite from scratch if it is in production"
Discussing the pattern for "Build Confidence"
Discussing the heuristic for "Optimise for future potential"
Discussing the pattern for "Manage inertia"
Discussing the heuristic for "Users are correct but not accurate"
Discussing the heuristic for "Focusing on developer experience can make your products more powerful and your teams more empowered"
I publish the podcast episodes to different platforms.
Feedback is welcome. Anything that you missed? Or a topic that you would like to listen?
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